㈜상암석재 Sangam Stone
저희 상암석재는 1978년 설립 하여 국내 최초로 천연대리석인 취옥석 생산을 시작으로 국내 석재 산업을 올바르게 이어가고 있습니다.
세계 각국 원산지로부터 각기 다른 성질의 원석을 연구하며 최상의 품질로 생산하려 노력하고
살아 숨쉬는 생명의 흐름이 결집된 에너지의 응집체인 돌을 가장 자연스럽게 건축의 미학속에서 돋보이도록 설계하며 시공하고 있습니다.
앞으로도 살아있는 에너지를 자연스럽게 삶속에서 구현 되도록 노력하겠습니다.
대표이사 김태진
Stone is an aggregate of energy in which circulation of life’s energy is crystallized in its purest form.
Since its establishment in 1978, Sangam Stone has been leading the stone processing industry in Korea for more than 30 years, starting with the production and distribution of Chuiok Stone, the first mass-produced natural marble widely distributed in Korean market.
Sangam Stone directly procures the highest quality raw materials from all over the world to provide the best quality stones to our customers for both functional and aesthetic purposes. We study stones originated from many parts of the world and work hard to create the best products that suit both our customers’ needs and the overall aesthetics of the building structures in which our stones are used.
We will continue to implement the life’s energy in our projects taking consideration of the stones being used and the overall expression of aesthetics in the architectural structure.
Tae Jin Kim CEO
Sangam Stone