
취옥석은 당사가 1978년부터 생산해온 대표 제품입니다.

옥은 예로부터 고귀하기 때문에 선하고 귀한 사람이 지니면 기운이 상승하고 악하고 천한 사람이지니면 기운이 하강 한고 단명한다고 했습니다. 그런 이유로 예로 부터 옛 왕들의 일상의 장신구 (왕관,귀걸이 ,혁대,옥쇄 ,옥좌)등 다양한 물품들을  옥으로 만들어 사용했던 것을  근거해서 볼수 있습니다.

40% 이상을 차지하는 마그네슘의 파동이 인체의 파동과 동일한데 이런 파동의 같음이 공명공진 작용을 일으켜 혈액순환을 잘 되게 하고 노폐물을 배출하게 해주는 것입니다. 주변을 찿아보면 물이 좋은 곳에 옥을 적용한 온천이나 사우나 시설을  볼수 있는데 이러한 원리가 적용된 사례입니다.

미학적으로도 영롱하고 맑은  아름다운 옥을 건축에 적용하여 왕이 누린 호사를  누려 보면 어떨까 제안 드립니다.

Jade stone is our flagship product: We have been producing it since 1978.

Since ancient times, jade has been valued highly by the noble class.  Not only because of its aesthetic beauty, but also because of what it represents, jade has been associated with various virtues such as health, wealth and love.  

It was said that if worn by the noble and benevolent, jade is known to emanate positive energy around those in possession of it; on the other hand, it could bring the energy down to whom jade has been held, particularly those with evil and lowly disposition.  In this regard, jade has been associated with social status.

For this reason, it is no wonder that artifacts unearthed from excavations of royal tomb often reveal jades used in a variety of ornamental objects such as crown, earring, belt, royal seal, royal chair.  According to research, jade consists of over 40% of magnesium, a crucial element for the human body that emits the identical vibration waves emitted by the human body cells. Due to the identical nature of vibrations, jade acts as resonance giving off energy facilitating blood circulation and eliminating harmful substances accumulated in the human body.

It is not that difficult to find places where jade has been used in our daily lives - for example, hot springs and sauna bath. These are the demonstrated examples of jade being used for beneficial effects to human health.

So, why not indulge in the luxury once enjoyed by a handful of the royals by applying jade to architectural structures around you -- both aesthetically pleasing to the eyes and beneficial for human health.